Depression: A Silent Enemy

03. Juli 2019 von Carlos Alberte Prieto Valero

On Sunday July 7th 2019, Carlos (otherwise sitting at the Drums) will be preaching about "Depression: A Silent Enemy". The talk will be give in English with German translation provided. Make sure to bring all your international friends! Looking forward!

He will be sharing a bit of his personal experience with depression and how God helped him to overcome this situation. If you want to know more about the subject, you are going through a similar situation, or you know friends who are going through that: do not miss it!

Am kommenden Sonntag, dem 7. Juli, wird Carlos (der sonst Schlagzeug spielt), über Depression: ein siller Feind sprechen. Er wird die Predigt auf Englisch halten mit deutscher Übersetzung. Bringt eure internationalen Freunde mit!

Depression – a silent enemy